Founder Info

Sharing a little about myself may help you understand why I started League of Heretics. At the very least, you can see that I’m a real person behind this thing. This is just a sketch… I’ll gradually fill it in over time in my posts.

I grew up in East Texas and was very active in a conservative Methodist church. It was a great way to grow up, but my thinking gradually evolved over the years (more on that another time) and I got more and more liberal and progressive. Finally, I left supernaturalism altogether.

Most of my employment over the years has been in churches as education director, program director, youth director, music director, or any combination of those. Right now I’m on staff at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas. StA is a progressive inclusive church that welcomes a variety of spiritual paths. We have a short chorus with which we open every service that affirms, “Every way of compassion, every road of peace, every life-giving path is welcome here.”

One of the big reasons I started League of Heretics is to help others discover that spirituality can be sane, inclusive, pro-science, and even non-theistic. Such a discovery can be a breath of fresh air or quite possibly a life-line to people who are in - or have left - an oppressive, fear-based religion.

It’s my hope that League of Heretics will be not only a newsletter, but also a community. If you haven’t yet, check out the “normal” about page. I encourage you to join… there are both free and paid options. Thanks for visiting!